GDPR: Right to object/Right to restrict processing

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) individuals based in the European Union have right to object to the processing of their personal data in certain circumstances. If you fall under this category some main points to note about your right to object:

1. You have an absolute right to stop your data being used for direct marketing at any point.

2. plug&paid has to inform you about your right to object if you are using our services.

3. plug&paid is required to comply within 1 calendar month to your requests regarding your right to object. 

4. This right does not apply to personal information collected during a sale transaction.  

plug&paid is compliant with the regulation and is committed in processing the bare minimum required personal information in order to provide its eCommerce service to its users. Learn what personal information is required to use plug&paid in our Data Mapping Diagram here. 

When it comes to your customers plug&paid processes their personal data when a purchase is successfully completed. plug&paid does not profile or contact your customers for any other purposes.


How to exercise your right to object

plug&paid users can exercise their right to object processing of their personal information by:

1. Deleting their account. This option is available in your "Settings" page under the "General Settings" section. This process is automated and all your personal information will be removed instantly.

2. Contacting us via this link


How to exercise your right to object (Marketing Purposes)

plug&paid users can exercise their right to object processing of their personal information for marketing purposes by:

1. Updating their marketing consent: This option is available in your "Settings" page under the "Email Notifications" section. In this section, un-tick the checkbox linked to the "Receive news & updates" consent.

2. Clicking the unsubscribe link found in a marketing email sent to the registered email address attached to your plug&paid account.

3. Contact us via this link


How your customers can exercise their right to object

Your customers can exercise their right to object processing of their personal information used by plug&paid by: 

1. Contacting us via this link


How you can comply to your customers' request

You can comply with your customers' request to object processing of their personal information used in plug&paid by: 

1. Deleting your customer's record. Visit your buyer's page, find the customer you wish to remove and select "Delete Buyer" in the options dropdown. This process is automated and all personal information of the customer is deleted instantly.